Ideas That Carry Further
Gain practical insights gleaned from nearly thirty years of leadership experience. My free, downloadable guides will help you:
Sharpen Communication Skills
​Learn to inspire and influence others so you can create clarity, get more done, and expand your reach.
Set the Vision
Get clear about what kind of leader you want to be and what outcomes you are committed to, and get your team moving in the right direction.
Shift the Culture
Cultivate healthier teams and move the mission forward in new ways. Make your mark.
Sharpen Communication Skills
Great leaders at all levels delegate effectively. When they do, they empower their teams, avoid micromanaging, and keep their own attention where it needs to be focused.
Here’s how to delegate effectively in four straightforward steps.
No matter what phase of your career you're in or how much authority and responsibility your job title implies, managing up is likely one of the most challenging tasks you face. Succeeding and being considered for new opportunities depends on building a good relationship with your supervisor.
Here are 7 concrete steps you can take to successfully manage up, whether you're in an entry-level role or your boss is the CEO.
Shift the Culture
With all the talk about what's OK to say in the workplace, what about the thing that goes unsaid? The Elephant in the Room.
The awkward thing that everyone “knows” — but no one says because it feels uncomfortable or impolite. Until you have the conversation, the elephant owns the room.
Learn how to say it skillfully, get more done, and create better working relationships in five straightforward steps.
Illustrations courtesy of my colleagues at TruScribe.
If you hate being micromanaged, train the other person to delegate to you effectively.
When someone delegates something to you, take these four straightforward steps. Do it every time they delegate to you.
See how their behavior shifts over time. And how their respect for you grows.